To remove the requirement that the borrowed stocks have to be returned to the lender within 12 months after the stocks are borrowed under the stock borrowing and lending relief and to simplify the procedures for claiming exemption 修订证券借贷宽免条文,以取消被借用证券须在借用后12个月内交还借出人的规定,及简化申请豁免的程序。
In the fourth chapter , by the theoretic and comparison , a series of methods improving the venture capital mechanism in china have been put forward , such as : enlarging the financing source , setting up the multi - level financing system , developing more efficient and incentive organization form such as . fund form and limited partnership form . improving the risk control and strengthening management after investment . besides these methods , we should develop different way to reclaim the capital , such as going on the stock market through purchasing or borrowing stock shell and enterprise repurchase , the property exchange market and otc market are also considerable 如:进一步扩大风险资本来源,建立多层次的资本来源体系;在组织形式上,目前以公司制为主,待条件成熟时积极发展运作效率更高、激励机制更强的基金制和有限合伙制;加强投资后的管理,改善对投资风险的控制;在退出机制上,提出了应积极发展买壳上市和借壳上市、企业回购、通过产权交易市场和场外交易市场退出等多种退出方式。